Monday, February 22, 2016

What I’m Watching: iZombie

iZombie: Season 2, Episode 12 “Physician, Heal Thy Selfie” (B+)

This was no erotica novelist, but it was still fun to see Liv immediately inherit the social media trigger fingers of her latest brain, in an episode that didn’t feature her zombie tendencies nearly as much as many other hours. Instead, we got to move forward on a number of fronts with a whole bunch of characters. Peyton didn’t waste any time in pretending with Blaine, and instead invited Liv to drop by her office to end the charade right away and clue him in to the fact that she knew everything she needed to. Peyton took out her frustration on Ravi, who was not nearly equipped enough to be a drinking buddy for her. I’m really pleased to see the direction that Liv’s love life with Drake is going, as he was serious about needing to go see his mom, and she came along to be given makeup that made her look less pale and zombie-like. At least Drake isn’t a bad guy even if Liv now realizes that he works for Blaine, which is bad news. Blaine isn’t in terrific shape either, though he handled himself quite well when Stacey Boss demanded $80,000 from as payment for not giving two weeks’ notice. Major is in way over his head, with Vaughn demonstrating the lengths he’ll go to and demanding frequent murders, and it’s only a matter of time before Drake ends up on his list or he comes face-to-face with Liv when he’s about to off another unsuspecting zombie.

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