Friday, December 9, 2016

What I’m Watching: Goliath

Goliath: Season 1, Episode 7 “Beauty and the Beast” (B+)

The first season of this show – which will hopefully be renewed for a second year – is only eight episodes, and so this hour had a lot to cover to accelerate things from the place they were at to being all the way in the middle of the trial. I enjoyed Billy’s comment to the police about there being no law against having a dead snitch in your trunk, and I also liked that Patty opted to tell Billy a story rather than reassure him that he would be okay when he started collapsing in the parking lot. Patty’s story to the job about stabbing herself when she was trying to extract the pit of an avocado was so singularly her and great. The biggest fall from grace in this show was suffered by Lucy, who got stuck on just one word and got herself thrown off the case entirely, dumped by Donald, and fired. It’s no wonder people hate Donald – he really treats them awfully, and the cold, calculating Callie is no better, stealing Lucy’s story about her brother and then telling her that she’d never have it when she was firing her. I’m curious to see where Michelle will end up on all this, and it seems that Donald may be out on his own after Wendell took the stand and forced Billy to call him to testify. Brittany is not in great shape, and being called by Callie as the defense’s main witness is very bad news which may poke a giant hole in Billy’s whole case.

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