Thursday, December 8, 2016

What I’m Watching: Luke Cage

Luke Cage: Season 1, Episode 9 “DWYCK” (B+)

Now that Diamondback has revealed himself, he has no qualms about showing his face on a regular basis, and he is intent on making one hell of an entrance. Walking into the club and pointing his fingers at someone while simultaneously firing a gun with the other hand was one way to make a point, and he seems set on overseeing control of whatever new empire Shades and Mariah are trying to build with Cottonmouth out of the picture. As Luke is on the run, he’s having trouble coming to grips with the idea that Diamondback is his brother, and his luck is running out both due to the public perception he’s getting thanks to Mariah’s machinations and the bullets that are literally killing him. He was as friendly as he could be to those two cops he had to knock out to escape incarceration, and he had to endure the awful reality of being deep-fried for a few minutes to reboot his diamond skin, something that seems like it’s not happening as swiftly or effectively as was hoped. The best part of this episode was Misty’s interview session with Dr. Krasner. It took me about thirty seconds to place the voice before I saw his voice, and I think that casting John Scurti, best known for his role on “Rescue Me,” was absolutely fantastic. Their back-and-forth was superb, and while it’s still hard to read Dr. Krasner and his true intentions, he did a marvelous job getting the truth out of her and teeing her up to be put back on the streets to reign in this case.

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