Saturday, May 13, 2017

What I’m Watching: Better Call Saul

Better Call Saul: Season 3, Episode 4 “Sabrosito” (B+)

It’s a testament to the quality of this show that it can go half the length of an episode without even showing its title character. Jimmy did feel like a supporting character during this hour, relegated to being represented by Kim during the pre-trial meeting during which he was forced to apologize to his brother. What’s most important is that Kim is standing firmly by his side, making numerous calls to figure out which company was coming to service Chuck’s house so that Jimmy could send Mike there instead to keep pressing on the power drill while he was taking photos of the house for Jimmy. Getting Chuck to freely admit that he made a copy of the tape – which is the one that Jimmy destroyed – was a victory, and the two of them clearly have a plan. Having Chuck focus on the language Jimmy made sure to change and obsess over getting reimbursed for the tape itself was an effective distraction. I’m very pleased to see that this backstory behind the formation of Gus and Mike’s business arrangement is proving to be extremely interesting, and right now they’re united by their joint hatred of Hector, who did a great job of terrorizing Gus’ employees. It was disorienting to see Steven Bauer, who I’ve gotten used to as Israeli bodyguard Avi on “Ray Donovan,” as Don Eladio, who was an important part of an extremely memorable episode of “Breaking Bad” that didn’t end very well for him or his men.

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