Saturday, May 13, 2017

What I’m Watching: The Great Indoors

The Great Indoors: Season 1, Episode 20 “Roland’s Secret” (B+)

As of the writing of this review, the first season of this show has already ended – the season finale aired earlier this week – and its chances of getting renewed are highly unlikely. This hasn’t been my favorite new show of the year but I’d also love to be able to see more of it. This episode was fun because it put Jack in a different position than usual, not at the center of the action but instead trying to mediate a situation that he should never have been a part of in the first place. Roland’s attitudes on marriage completely contradict everything that Brooke believes, since she’s waiting so long to finally tie the knot with Paul because she needs to be certain that it’s right. Roland, on the other hand, was more than happy to get hitched to Sheryl, who was played by familiar TV face Jane Leeves, best known for “Frasier” and “Hot in Cleveland.” Brooke thinking that she was the marriage counselor when she showed up at the office was extremely awkward and funny. Paul wanting to wait when Brooke said they should just go for it is a bad omen, and I suspect she’s finally going to have a moment with Jack in the finale. Clark has also managed to be noticed by Emma after she was sick and he failed at a romantic gesture, but that gave him the confidence to ask out the Soup-ergirl who calls him Clark Kent. I wonder if he’ll be able to realize that she sees him now or if he’ll embark on a totally different romance.

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