Sunday, May 14, 2017

What I’m Watching: Making History (Penultimate Episode)

Making History: Season 1, Episode 8 “The Duel” (B+)

I’m very sad to report that this is the second-to-last episode of this show, since it wasn’t renewed by FOX and tonight it’s pre-empted by the Miss USA pageant before its final installment next Sunday. I’ve really enjoyed this show, and thus far it’s the saddest cancellation of the season for me. This episode was fun because it featured the time-displaced Adams and Hancock entranced by the sight of Melanie the water deliverer, who Deborah also likes a lot, and then deciding to have a duel over her. Shooting Dan and Chris with paintball guns while trying to teach them a lesson was a humorous way for it to end, though it was rather depressing to see Chris with both eyes covered crying at home on his birthday. I much preferred the plotline opened up by Dan’s short-sighted attempt to get publicity for the ice cream shop. It’s great to see Natalie Morales, a very reliable guest and recurring player on a number of TV shows, as the reporter who’s on to the fact that there’s something very weird about what Dan and Deborah are up to, as prompted right away by their inability to agree on where they met. Adams and Hancock deciding to stay in the present and run away is only going to tip her off more, and I do hope that the finale is able to fittingly conclude this show and that thread in particular. Either way, I look forward to one more shot at half an hour of this entertaining silliness.

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