Sunday, May 14, 2017

What I’m Watching: Sense8 (Season Premiere)

Sense8: Season 2, Episode 2 “Who Am I?” (B+)

So I guess this is technically considered the second episode of the second season, even though the Christmas special was really a standalone special presentation. This show continues to be one of the strangest series on television, but I’m happy to see that it has some distinct direction for this reason. Starting with Nomi and Amanita exploring a a scientific explanation for the sensates helps to ground all this in something that could make sense, although I’m not sure that’s the goal here. The opening interviews with both Lito and Capheus were effective in giving us a bit of a recap and reminding us who these characters really are. What I liked most about this hour was that it featured a few very compelling scenes of Will and Mr. Whispers squaring off, with it initially seeming that Will was getting closer to finding out his location but that Mr. Whispers knew all too much about where he was. I love that all of the sensates are working together to research things, and that Will was noticing and sharing items in the room around him with Nomi so that they could find and analyze clues about his whereabouts. The end of the episode was fantastic, with Mr. Whispers ambushed in the middle of a meeting with a higher-up, panicked and shouting that he was compromised, with Will declaring that they’re coming for him. I hope it’s going to be a great season, and it’s off so far to a very promising start.

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