Friday, May 26, 2017

What I’m Watching: Silicon Valley

Silicon Valley: Season 4, Episode 5 “Blood Boy” (B+)

Things on this show sure move fast, and the rate at which its central characters switch jobs is truly incredible. Gavin is a big idea man and is not at all one to worry about minutia, and the fact that he was multitasking during Richard’s pitch was the least of any of their worries. Getting blood transfusions from a supposed picture of health is a crazy thing to do, but it makes total sense that Gavin would be into that. Anyone who has watched even a minute of the terrible show that is “Quantico” knows that Graham Rogers, who played Bryce here, is not to be trusted. Erlich revealing him as a druggie who was lying about pretty much everything should have been Richard’s smoking gun, and instead it got Gavin to realize that he needed to get out, thereby putting Richard as his team, which newly includes Dinesh, at a total loss. Yes, they have the patent Gavin signed over to them, but they’re without funding and now have to deliver on the big launch that Richard had to agree to as a result of his collaboration with Gavin. Dinesh calling the FBI on his girlfriend to get out of the relationship was a bit extreme, and he’s going to be kicking himself now that he’s left his penis-sorting job to work with his buds. Monica is also is an interesting position, and I think her following mother-of-three Laurie somewhere new is probably a good way to go for her career, though it’s impossible to know how things are going to turn out.

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