Saturday, May 27, 2017

What I’m Watching: Veep

Veep: Season 6, Episode 6 “Qatar” (B+)

Maybe she’s always been this way, but it does seem to me that Selina is getting more vulgar and hateful every episode. Selina doesn’t really have what most people would call “morals” and that was evident in her analysis of the situation in African countries with totalitarian leaders and horrible treatment of the female population. Getting caught in a photo that made it look like she was cavorting with a Sudanese dictator led to the episode’s best line – calling him a bomber and a photo bomber – and its most awkward content, which was Selina having to censor her speech, which was going to be a scathing indictment of him and of genital mutilation, turning it instead into an extremely forgiving and liberal take on what countries should be allowed to determine for their populations. Her head was a little cloudy on account of her dalliance with Jaffar, and that ended rather abruptly when her whiteness presented a problem. Dan scored a big win in ousting Jane, though I’m sure there will be more than enough trouble to come for his new solo gig. Roger having everyone over to his house where he put on an angelic front for his wife was peculiar, and Jonah was bold enough to try to advocate for a better office while Roger had to be in a kindhearted and forgiving mood. His new girlfriend – or is it fiancée? – is really something, arranging his life but also helping him to get somewhere aside from just his strict stance on the idiocy of Daylight Saving Time.

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