Thursday, June 1, 2017

What I’m Watching: Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt

Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt: Season 3, Episode 2 “Kimmy’s Roommate Lemonades!” (B-)

This show is really something, and I don’t always mean that as a compliment. Titus did a whole lot of singing in this episode, and it didn’t really compare to his previous performances. Obviously, he jumped to a lot of conclusions about what Mikey was up to after he saw him with another guy. It didn’t help that Mikey still doesn’t get a lot of what Titus is about, and that he’s completely clueless when it comes to just about everything, particularly the realization that he hadn’t actually told his good buddy that he was dating Titus. Showing up at the apartment with a microphone ready to sing off-key to show his devotion was a nice gesture, and even though it made Titus cringe, I think it did the trick to help get them back together and put them on the right track. Kimmy, meanwhile, took a test that showed her that she should become a crossing guard, which, honestly, is a perfect fit for her. The eagerness with which she went to explore college was wonderful, and the way that she latches on to ideas and modifies metaphors to replace them with pizza is really fun. Jacqueline and Lillian battling for her vote was an entertaining subplot, and Jacqueline’s reaction to Lillian protesting against her was enjoyable. Lillian won, sure, but she quickly found out that, in an instant, her input really didn’t matter all that much. I’m eager to see what Jacqueline will do and how politically involved she’ll get while Russ is still away.

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