Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Round Two: The Punisher

The Punisher: Season 1, Episode 2 “Two Dead Men” (B+)

It’s jarring just how different the flashback segments to Frank’s happy times with his family are from the brutal violence that happens in Frank’s present-day life and is even inflicted on others by Frank himself. Most of what Frank recalls isn’t all happy, of course, as the opening segment with him smacking his son for glorifying what he would be doing in the military indicated and his many nightmares about his family being killed again and again in front of him clearly demonstrate. This second installment helped to frame what this first season is going to be about, as Frank is trying to make everyone responsible pay as multiple parties are interested in him, both in giving him information and in tracking him down. I didn’t expect that C. Thomas Howell’s Carson Wolf would be taken out so early, and at Frank’s hands no less, but he showed his allegiances in his response to Frank’s rather aggressive questioning. Micro, better known as David Lieberman, is quite an intriguing character, pretending to be dead while watching his family on many TV screens. I couldn’t place what I knew actor Ebon Moss-Bachrach from, and a moment’s worth of research reminded me that it was from his far less aware role as Desi on “Girls.” Frank tracked him down quickly, and I’m hoping that he’ll find another ally since the two friends he has won’t be enough to protect him from the number of people who want him dead. I was thrilled to see Karen return and take on a prominent role here, and I’m continually amazed by the contracts that those who star on these Marvel shows must sign to appear as main characters on multiple series.

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