Tuesday, November 28, 2017

What I’m Watching: Longmire

Longmire: Season 6, Episode 2 “Fever” (B+)

I’ve always appreciated the relationship between Walt and Henry on this show, starting with the punch that followed Walt’s misinterpreted warning about putting his mouth on the bubbler, and it’s still a special bond that convinced Henry to stay with Walt if only to make sure that he didn’t talk to Nighthorse. Unfortunately, he went straight to Cady, and she delivered that token Longmire blind rage by bursting onto Nighthorse’s property and then smacking him with the stake. It’s good to know that he’s on the right side of things, and I’ve always found him to be a strong and complex character. Henry explaining to Cady that she might have misunderstood Nighthorse’s presence in her vision when he was calling to her for help was very interesting, and she’s definitely going to be experiencing a crisis about what her role is thanks to these developments. The treasure hunting case was involving, and I like that Peter Weller’s Lucian was an enthusiastic participant who ended up being the one who dug up the box. I loved his line “Someone left their house without their cell phone? Sounds like a job for Walt Longmire!” Vic wasn’t going to be able to keep her pregnancy a secret from Walt for long, but I didn’t expect Travis to walk into Walt’s office with an engagement ring and tell him that maybe he should be the one to give it to Vic instead. It’s an intriguingly astute observation from a man who earlier in the episode told Vic that they should be careful considering her age without both having any idea how old she is and why he shouldn’t have said that.

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