Thursday, November 30, 2017

What I’m Watching: Supergirl

Supergirl: Season 3, Episode 8 “Crisis on Earth-X, Part 1” (B+)

Now this is the four-show crossover we’ve been waiting for since the beginning! No aliens, no musicals, and a great chance to celebrate a wedding gone horrible, horribly wrong. Who cares about Mon-El, Reign, and anything involving the DEO when all four of our casts are headed to Central City for Barry and Iris’ wedding? I was confused at first when we saw things going on in Earth-X where Nazis are in power, but then we got the glimpses of what all our protagonists were up to before they arrived for the big day. It’s fun to think that everyone would be invited to the wedding, and even those like Alex who haven’t yet been introduced came along. Alex and Sara hooking up was fantastic, and I like that they managed to fight together and then high-five when the Nazis attacked. Mick sitting next to the cpolice chief and Barry asking Kara to sing were fun too, and Felicity saying no to Oliver’s proposal is something that I imagine will be addressed in that series’ installment of this crossover. Everyone springing into action when the Nazis showed up was awesome, though the priest was the lone casualty of the whole affair. Kara clapping out her doppelganger was intense, and knowing that evil Kara, evil Oliver, and evil Reverse-Flash Wells are plotting to take them all down means that we’re likely to experience a casualty more severe than just an unconscious Cisco. Bring on the next three hours – I’m so excited to watch them all back-to-back.

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