Thursday, November 30, 2017

What I’m Watching: Arrow

Arrow: Season 6, Episode 8 “Crisis on Earth-X, Part 2” (B+)

I don’t usually watch this show, but I have to say this was my favorite installment since I stopped watching it way back in season one. This really wasn’t very focused on Oliver’s world, mainly featuring just Oliver and Felicity. Small talk didn’t encompass too much of the hour, and I’m not too interested in why Felicity doesn’t want to marry Olive, though I assume that her tune might change after he manages to help to defeat this evil Nazi army and his own doppelganger. I like that Felicity referred to this scenario as “Oliver in the High Castle,” an entertaining nod to pop culture that I guess also exists in this universe. Earth-X does not seem like a pretty place, and the fact that our heroes are now trapped there is very bad news. I’m impressed with how evil Kara, evil Oliver, and our very own Reverse-Flash seem different from their regular counterparts, and the actors are obviously having fun chewing scenery. Evil Oliver’s connection to his Kara is certainly strong and a weakness to be exploited, but it seems that they’re trying to save her and that she’s more than ready to sacrifice herself if he gets too emotional. Oliver carrying Kryptonite arrows was convenient but didn’t end up helping out too much, and Metallo’s arrival turned the tables definitively. Wherever they’re headed next, having just Iris, Felicity, and a few other supporting team members to save them means a major uphill battle ahead that they’re going to have to work hard to win.

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