Friday, December 1, 2017

What I’m Watching: The Flash

The Flash: Season 4, Episode 8 “Crisis on Earth X, Part 3” (B+)

As if this mega-crossover couldn’t get any better, we have reliable recurring player Wentworth Miller back in a very welcome surprise appearance as Snart, who on Earth-X is a guy named Leo with a sweet heart, an affinity for costumes, and a relationship with a guy with awesome powers to shine light and a superhero name of the Ray. I like how this crossover is incorporated different members of the various casts, with Winn appearing as a cold-hearted general who just wants to defeat the Nazis and doesn’t care about the Earth-One inhabitants who got stuck there and Quentin as the head of the SS who had his own daughter killed and has no compassion for anyone. It’s disconcerting to see them in a concentration camp, and for shows that are so positive about sexual orientation and gender identity, it’s disturbing to see them quarantined with others and marked for execution. After Leo saved the day, Oliver posed as the evil version of himself, and the good guys got to score a few small wins in the middle of a much more intense war. Felicity and Iris did a great job of resisting in the way that they could, but Kara wasn’t willing to let either of them die just to save her. With just one hour left in this epic saga, I’m nervous but excited to see how things are going to turn out and hopeful that all of our characters are going to survive the fallout and make it back safely to their Earths, though things really aren’t looking good for the professor.

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