Saturday, December 2, 2017

Take Three: There’s Johnny

There’s Johnny: Season 1, Episode 3 “Owed to Joy” (B+)

There’s definitely a clear difference between the men and the women on this show, which was on full display in this episode. After learning that Mitch's contract wasn't going to be renewed, the other writers turned immediately to a wild helicopter ride celebrating Jim's purchase of a home, complete with a prostitute in the front seat who helped Jim really boost his ego. I like that Joy is protective of Andy's goodness, and that she was more than willing to be the latest person to interrupt his bathroom masturbation to make sure she heard him. Joy isn't one to just go along with the times, correcting Freddie's misreading of her Ms. magazine and advocating for equal pay when she found out that her male colleague made twice as much as her. After she bonded with her mother about the fact that her father can be a bit much, he went ahead and called Freddie to convince him to give the raise, negating all the effort she put in to work for herself. She's pretty blunt about sharing how she feels, while Mitch appears to be a living a double life that surely wouldn't go over well at work. Andy continues to be his chipper, generally unaware self, sharing his latest receipt of a clipping from his parents, something that Rasheed was very ready to share was not at all part of his childhood and not something that Andy should necessarily share quite so enthusiastically, though I can’t imagine that will stop him.

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