Saturday, December 2, 2017

What I’m Watching: Life in Pieces

Life in Pieces: Season 3, Episode 5 “Meal Potty Cart Middle” (B)

It really struck me how short these vignettes are, each lasting just five minutes. In this episode, there was just one character who appeared twice, and that was Tim, who featured prominently in the first one and then got to make a few quips in the third in what was essentially the most supporting role. The first segment was wholly ridiculous, and I’m not sure why Tim would have ever signed up for a twenty-course meal. I’m someone who’s all for an ambitious dinner – though far too picky to ever do something created by a chef who didn’t know my particularities – but twenty courses is truly excessive. Heather succeeded at hiding food under the table and they both pretty much fell asleep on their faces because of the stress, but it wasn’t a good end for either of them. Jen and Greg trying to rush potty-training Lark went predictably poorly, and all it took in the end was Greg really having to go, on Lark’s congratulatory toilet instead, to motivate his daughter to mimic his behavior. I wonder how long it’s going to take for Tyler and Clementine to actually get back together, but her total obliviousness isn’t helping, and is neither is the fact that he dealt with his jealousy by taking her cart job from her in a protest of sexist behavior. The final segment was the one I enjoyed most, since it acknowledged Colleen’s continued existence but more importantly focused on middle children Matt and Samantha. Trapeze doesn’t seem like something Matt would like, and he passed out in a pretty epic way, and Samantha succeeded despite a slight wardrobe malfunction that luckily wasn’t the focus of the feat. Switching out the photos and sharing secrets was a fun way for two oft-forgotten characters to connect.

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