Sunday, December 10, 2017

What I’m Watching: Good Behavior

Good Behavior: Season 2, Episode 8 “Stay Beautiful” (B)

What fascinated me most about this decent hour was how Javier’s new million-dollar home functioned as a place for keeping Teo, hiding out while he was planning his next hit, welcoming in houseguests like Carlos, and serving as a gesture to Letty about their future together. It turns out the big hit that Tom Amandes’ Asher hired Javier to do was complex in nature but simple enough in execution, with his wife not even arguing that she shouldn’t be killed once she realized that her husband was involved and then him killing himself once the deed was done. Javier took out some of his rage on Teo before the unfortunate discovery that Carlos’ gesture to stay and watch him turned fatal because he was kind enough to let him pee. It was reassuring to hear Javier call Letty and tell her that they’re the ones who pull each other back from the ledge, but his timing was a bit too late given that she was completely stranded in the middle of pitch-black woods with a dead cell phone that probably didn’t manage to send out her location to Christian. Watching her spiral out of control was difficult, especially when they started playing with the nail gun and no one else thought it was serious enough to call the police. The slow version of Chris Isaak’s “Wicked Game” was particularly effective as a closing soundtrack to anchor Javier’s sadness and Letty’s loneliness. I’m hopeful that they’ll get back to each other quickly in the final two episodes of the season.

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