Sunday, December 10, 2017

What I’m Watching: Search Party

Search Party: Season 2, Episodes 5 and 6 “Paranoia” and “Obsession” (B+)

Dory and Drew have plenty to be paranoid about, but they’re also not focusing on the right things at all. Dory was worried that getting the key to the city of Chappaqua was actually a trap, but what she was reading as suspicious behavior was Drew trying to cover up his relationship with Chantal, which he promptly broke off to pretty unfortunate results. Dory is concerned that Julian’s article about Chantal is going to ruin her life, but the fact that Deb identified her to the police as Keith’s girlfriend and also told her about the e-mail which doesn’t fit the timeline of Keith’s death should be much more of a concern. Dory got her latest job, working for J. Smith-Cameron’s politician, relatively easily, though on her first day she managed to get blamed for having coffee spilled all over her and then couldn’t focus on making more than a few calls in a row. Drew is still up to his nefarious game trying to get Alan to drop his interest in the job, and now he’s received a note that someone knows he’s a murderer, which can’t be good at all. Elliott has completely lost it, and the craziest part of his rash-fueled hysteria was that he told Marc he wasn’t demanding. It’s a good thing that Nia paid for him to get treatment instead of having him arrested for trying to weigh her baby. Only Portia seems to be heading for a positive place, with Jay Duplass’ Elijah taking an interest in her that at least for the moment seems innocent.

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