Sunday, December 10, 2017

What I’m Watching: Supergirl

Supergirl: Season 3, Episode 9 “Reign” (B+)

Now this is a Christmas episode. Reign and Supergirl going head-to-head in the middle of an office Christmas party is exactly the kind of thing that should happen on a holiday-themed installment, and I also enjoyed M'yrnn’s comment about how he preferred the brown water knows as hot cocoa. Of course in this world, Kara would invite her ex-boyfriend and his new wife to the holiday party she was hosting, which would then be interrupted by a call to see whatever was happening in the fields as a result of Reign’s awakening. Cult leader Thomas Coville was back to inform Kara that she needed to stop Reign, whose rise was apparently part of the prophecy that he had found in his research, and describing her as a devil was an intense antecedent to her destructive battle with Supergirl towards the end of the episode. Seeing Kara bloody and defeated was worrisome and unprecedented, and that coupled with Sam’s inability to return to her human form ups the anticipation for this show’s four-episode return in January followed by its recently-announced nonstop season finish beginning in April. Let’s hope that Mon-El and Imra will remember that they’re also helpful allies who can try to take down this destroyer of worlds, and that they’ll also employ the human allies they have like Alex and Guardian to their advantage. Even if the world is ending, at least we have a new couple in James and Lena, so there’s some hope for happiness while there’s still a world to enjoy.

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