Friday, May 11, 2018

What I’m Watching: Billions

Billions: Season 3, Episode 7 “Not You, Mr. Dake” (B)

I have to admit, this wasn’t exactly the follow-up I was hoping for after the crazy reveal that saw Chuck handing the slide over to Axe rather than planting it in his bathroom when he had the opportunity. The biggest realization I had is that Chuck has been trying to get Axe behind bars since this show first started, and now that’s completely over. Staying out of jail was a shared decision, one that means that Chuck and Axe are intrinsically tied to each other. I find it somewhat hard to believe that Chuck would just allow the case against him to be dismissed, especially since he was fully aware of his actions the whole time and should have taken steps to safeguard himself along the way at every turn. Chuck did get to have some typical fun chewing the scenery as he made it seem like Dr. Gilbert was the culprit and not the victim of a very purposeful frame job. It was a shame to see Mafee corrupted as part of this, especially with Wendy trying to seduce him, but at least Axe covered the fine he had to pay, though that’s hardly the point. Taylor continues to be a good egg, the one person other than Bryan on this show who seems to want to pursue actual goodness while charging ahead in their careers, not susceptible to the allure of shortcuts presented to them by so many forces on a regular and nonstop basis.

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