Tuesday, October 23, 2018

What I’m watching: Crazy Ex-Girlfriend

Crazy Ex-Girlfriend: Season 4, Episode 2 “I am Ashamed” (C+)

With this show ending this season, it hardly feels like we have time for a Halloween episode, especially one that airs nearly two weeks before the big holiday. I’m glad that there wasn’t actually anything supernatural truly involved, and that Paula and Heather got to harp on the fact that there was a logical explanation behind everything while Valencia and Rebecca continued to insist that there was something mysterious and magical at work. When all of the spooky layers were peeled back, this was all about Rebecca and her unwillingness to leave the house given her instant celebrity and the very real worry that people hated her now. Being asked to take a selfie with an enthusiastic fan wasn’t the worst first public interaction, and maybe it won’t be so bad, especially since she has positive things to do like go back to volunteer at the prison. Darryl’s sudden obsession with breast milk and White Josh’s accidental babysitting felt a bit random, and I think that’s because they’re not really spotlighted as characters all that much. Josh was just all about a cute baby outfit, signifying that he definitely hasn’t found himself in the time since the premiere. I don’t think that Nathaniel needs yet another nemesis after serving as that very thing himself when he first appeared, and Bert seems like too odd a character to be sticking around on a permanent basis to derail what’s already one of this show’s least stable elements, the office. Patton Oswalt’s guest turn was strange to be sure, but he’s always a welcome face - and voice - on any program.

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