Tuesday, October 23, 2018

What I’m Watching: God Friended Me

God Friended Me: Season 1, Episode 4 “Error Code 1.61” (B-)

We’ve entered inescapably sappy territory here, and there’s absolutely no way out. You could create an entire language out of the alternately suggestive and longing looks that Miles and Cara throw at each other, another out of the knowing glances between Rakesh and Jaya, and something altogether different and unrecognizable for the way that Fliss and Beaker feel about each other. I knew right away that I recognized Fliss but couldn’t figure out where it was from, and that’s because my prior experience with Annaleigh Ashford had her in a decidedly more assured state and period clothing from her role as Betty on “Masters of Sex,” a character far more aware of who she wanted to be. It seemed obvious from the start that Beaker’s star was Fliss, but his later revelation about being gay meant that they just needed each other in their lives in a completely platonic way to be able to return to the far more satisfied and complete people that they used to be so many years earlier. Miles and Ali saving their father’s instrument and returning it to him didn’t feel entirely germane to the rest of the story, but there’s baggage there to be unpacked that also shapes his relationship to his children. Miles taking the rose and getting ready to confess his feelings for Cara was a great step, and of course it won’t be that easy, with Eli returning to the picture at exactly the wrong moment to provide the latest obstacle in his self-exploration.

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