Friday, October 25, 2019

What I’m Watching: The Flash

The Flash: Season 6, Episode 3 “Dead Man Running” (B)

There was a lot going on in this episode, with each set of characters dealing with distinctly different problems. Barry telling the team that he has to vanish (and then die) in the crisis in order for the universe to survive definitely put a damper on things, and Frost took it worst of all. It was sweet to see how the two of them bonded with his attempts to prevent her from going too far with violence all the time and then putting on the birthday party she had always wanted. We saw Ramsey in a more intimate way than I had expected, working directly with Barry without any idea that he’s the Flash and expressing a different worldview from him regarding losing mothers and cowardice. The undead Romero was a force to be reckoned with, and it seems like that’s just the beginning of what Ramsey is going to try to do now that he knows what could be possible. The arrival of a new Harrison Wells marks the welcome return of actor Tom Cavanagh, who really wasn’t gone for long, and it seems that he’s singularly set on finding this Eternium which presumably has something to do with the impending crisis. Cecile working with Ralph and his mother to try to clear her name was a fun subplot even if it was far from serious, but that’s usually what we get with Ralph, who has really grown into himself and his role on the show since his first far more irritating appearance.

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