Friday, October 25, 2019

What I’m Watching: This Is Us

This Is Us: Season 4, Episode 5 “Storybook Love” (B+)

This episode wasn’t quite as fantastic as the one before it, but this show is onto something this season. It was fun to see the ill-fated dinner party hosted by Rebecca at her new home, with a good deal of humor to be found from all participants. Beth went over very well, especially in comparison to the rest of the guests. I loved Kate’s reaction to Miguel bringing his sleeping bag and how Mark asked him who he was again when the non-Pearsons were sitting at the table listening to the family members shout at each other in the other room. I couldn’t figure out where I recognized Kate’s new boyfriend from, and I now know that it’s because Austin Abrams also played the impossibly nice Ethan on “Euphoria.” We know that it doesn’t work out well for Kate, but hopefully whatever breakup is coming won’t be too crushing. Kevin and Sophie really were obnoxious, and it’s good to see Kevin growing up in the present as he starts to realize that there’s more to Cassidy’s impending divorce than he realized. Bonding with Nicky over the cake was a sweet moment too. Tess’ panic attack seems to have also triggered a thinly-stretched Randall, and Beth’s story about William passing that trait down wasn’t enough to compel Randall to address the issue before it becomes a severe problem again. Randall having the family piano delivered to Kate and Toby was a wonderful grand gesture, and it obviously has a big effect on young Jack given what he know his future holds.

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