Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Take Three: I Know This Much Is True

I Know This Much Is True: Season 1, Episode 3 (B-)

Miserable things don’t just happen to the characters on this show – there’s at least partly to blame for what happens after life deals them yet another bad hand. Take Dominick’s response to the two women in his life who are interested in having babies. His revelation that he got a vasectomy was received very poorly by Dessa and is likely what led, in part, to their separation after the death of their child. When Joy told him she was pregnant, his only reply was to ask if she was sure it was his, which caught her completely off-guard and demonstrated a total lack of interest in even considering the notion of starting a family with her. Much as Dominick may not be the kind of man who rates other women like his friend who initially turned off Dessa when they first met, he’s also not the warm and fuzzy type, unwilling to change his behavior to suit anyone else, except of course for his brother. Thomas has a better excuse – his schizophrenia – to explain away his failure to comply with what Dominick and Lisa were telling him was necessary for him to get released. This episode was full of melancholy moments, like the eerie death of a classmate in elementary school and the car crash that ended it. Dominick was more concerned about his car being teepeed than anything else, and getting in that car drunk was not a good idea. I can’t imagine how much more unpleasant things can get, but it seems like that’s where we’re headed.

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