Wednesday, May 27, 2020

What I’m Watching: Killing Eve

Killing Eve: Season 3, Episode 7 “Beautiful Monster” (B-)

I just don’t understand what the point of this show is right now, and it’s hard to stay attached to the characters because everything seems so aimless at the moment. I was surprised at least that two main players got killed off in this episode, except that they didn’t, and instead we have more unresolved plotlines that aren’t headed anywhere productive. I’m a big fan of Konstantin’s, and I’ve enjoyed seeing him so rattled constantly. In the first season, he wasn’t all that interesting, but now he’s easily the most endearing and likeable of everyone. I’m glad that he isn’t dead, though the disappearance of Villanelle’s killer instinct meant that she didn’t make sure she killed Dasha, who I wouldn’t have minded losing. This show’s title is no longer applicable because there’s literally no one trying to kill Eve, just the people who mean a lot to her, and we’ve barely seen any interactions between Villanelle and Eve this entire season. That’s what I’ve always found to be best about this show since it’s a complex and extremely intriguing relationship, and to deprive viewers of that all season is a real disappointment. Fiona Shaw continues to be the other MVP alongside Kim Bodnia as Konstantin, infusing Carolyn with a wild energy that allows her to dominate every scene. Gemma Whelan, as her daughter, is also great. Mo’s death means no one is safe right now, and I can’t imagine what could transpire in the finale that’s going to allow this season to end on just as emphatic a note as either of the first two years.

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