Saturday, May 16, 2020

What I’m Watching: The Baker and the Beauty

The Baker and the Beauty: Season 1, Episode 5 “Honeymoon’s Over” (B)

Daniel’s life wasn’t actually that much changed by the recent publicity of his relationship with Noa, but those in his immediate circle were definitely affected. Sure, he did get to test-drive a fancy car and then get lectured by Lewis, and Noa is able to get him important hook-ups that could change the course of his career, but it’s clear that’s not what he wants. After awkwardly stumbling through his solo interview for a food show and being told that he should put on an accent and get a tattoo to achieve a certain image, Daniel really thought about what was important to him and chose to spotlight those who were honest and worked hard. He was understandably angry with Lewis and Noa when Vanessa texted him about Lewis trying to buy her silence, and while Noa dismissed it as a necessity, Lewis evidently pressed further, telling his pal Kurt, played by Michael Rady from “Swingtown” and “Jane the Virgin,” to pass along the info to Vanessa that Noa met him minutes before her proposal. Even without knowing that, I can’t imagine that Daniel is going to be ready to pick up and move to Morocco for three months. Natalie and her mother always had a major moment, but it would have been too much to expect Mari to change her entire belief system right away. Hopefully they’ll be able to get to a better place together, like Rafael and Mateo did with the recording studio Rafael sweetly built for Mateo.

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