Saturday, May 16, 2020

What I’m Watching: The Flash (Season Finale)

The Flash: Season 6, Episode 19 “Success Is Assured” (B)

Well, this wasn’t a bad episode, but I can understand why it wasn’t meant to be the season finale. Eva finally broke free in a big way and made her move, sending shards through Barry’s body to kill her husband, who demonstrated just how terrible he is up until his dying moment. I’m not sure exactly why this episode was framed as a series of battles with split-screens since that’s not a format this show usually employs, but I suppose it was to show us that whatever’s left of Team Flash can still function and will eventually be able to take down Eva after their inability to protect Carver, who honestly shouldn’t have been the focus of their efforts anyway. It’s a helpful storytelling device to have villains, first Ramsey and now Eva, who tell Barry that they want to keep him alive since he’s not immediately in their path, which means he doesn’t get killed and will just have more time to mount a defense to defeat them later. It’s good to have one additional member of the team now in the form of Sue, who showed up with her parents to pretend that she had never met Ralph, and who may finally be convinced that she’s better off being one of the good guys. Iris is honing her abilities in the Mirrorverse, though disappearing just as she and Kamilla were about to go find Singh. I wasn’t sure how I’d feel about continuing to watch this show past the end of the season, but I’m still invested in these characters and don’t feel like we got a real chance to see this storyline through because of the earlier end than planned. It hasn’t been a superb year, but I’m not done with this show just yet.

Season grade: B
Season MVP: Efrat Dor as Eva

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