Tuesday, May 19, 2020

What I’m Watching: High Fidelity

High Fidelity: Season 1, Episode 5 “Uptown” (B+)

I loved the opportunity to see Clyde again in this episode, which proved especially trippy since I had literally just finished the latest installment of “Mrs. America,” which also features the underrated Jake Lacy in a small role. Asking Rob if she was just calling him for a ride and then being okay with it was a great start to a wondrous adventure they had together which had her and not just him concluding that it really was a very fun day. Parker Posey, a recent fixture on “Lost in Space,” was the perfect choice to play the eccentric artist Noreen, whose brilliant plan to replace her soon-to-be-ex-husband’s priceless record collection with a framed crisp twenty-dollar bill was about to make Rob both the happiest and richest record store owner in the near vicinity. Unfortunately, Rob’s conscience got the best of her, and Clyde knew exactly how to assess what kind of person Tim really was. Jeffrey Nordling, who played a far less despicable but still unlikeable spouse on “Big Little Lies,” was a great fit for the role of Tim, immediately displaying his know-it-all attitude and his unwillingness to even acknowledge Rob’s presence in the room until she said something he didn’t like and he had to warn Clyde off from getting too serious with any woman. Maybe it was Noreen’s unwillingness to let him pee, but I love that Clyde decided to steal the Bowie record and make Rob incredibly happy. I hope we see a lot more of him, and maybe Rob can stop her endless top five lists to try and enjoy herself for a bit.

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