Tuesday, May 19, 2020

What I’m Watching: Hunters

Hunters: Season 1, Episode 4 “The Pious Thieves” (B+)

This show is getting more into its rhythm, embracing some of its eccentricities and putting them to good use. We barely saw Travis in this hour, which featured Biff making a power play to make sure the Colonel was appropriately valuing him (amusingly, the woman he met with was played by Dylan Baker’s real-life wife Becky Ann Baker). I also recognized John Noble from “Fringe” as Frederic Hauser, the manager of the bank who we saw Meyer talking to before it was entirely clear what that conversation was about and precisely when it was happening. Lonnie got to put his charm and chatterbox nature to good use by sweet-talking the branch manager, who wasn’t impressed by him nearly as much as her husband was, and then working with Harriet to play dead, refusing to get up until she officially called cut. Discovering the underground vault of possessions taken from the Jews when they were hoarded into concentration camps was a big breakthrough, but one that’s going to have to be carefully calculated, especially since Meyer’s meeting with Frederic resulted in him shooting himself in the head. As she navigates her personal relationships, Millie is closer than ever to getting to the truth, and while we don’t know what Danny plays in all this yet, she’s tracking down all the right leads. Debating doing the right thing and who the good guys with Jonah was thought-provoking, and while she wouldn’t approve of what this crew is doing, she’d be a great ally for them against the vicious enemy they’re fighting.

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