Friday, August 21, 2020

What I’m Watching: Brave New World

Brave New World: Season 1, Episode 6 “In the Dirt” (B)

I haven’t been keeping up with watching an episode of this show each week, partly because I feel like there’s no pressure since they all premiered on one day and this is from the current season, not the one which I’ve been trying to finish related to this year’s Emmys. It also hasn’t been nearly as gripping as it was at the beginning, and I’m not sure it’s going to get there. I am still fascinated by the way in which Lenina is starting to see the world, though she seemed to experience a setback at the start of this hour which found her less than eager to push the boundaries of what she has typically known to be allowed. There was something startling about the sight of John dressed casually and Lenina with her hair up looking very fancy, boarding the Epsilon train that Lenina would never have considered taking since it just wasn’t something that people of her station do. She experienced a moment of clarity, screaming because of how held back she had been, but she was still uncomfortable with the notion of, say, picking a fresh peach off a tree and eating it. Their passionate monogamous sex was indeed memorable, but not quite as much as the attention-getting scene Bernard engineered when John finally returned home. Jealousy in not a good look on Bernard, and even the typically encouraging Helm found Bernard’s horrible storytelling to be draining and embarrassing. We’re learning more about Mustafa, whose real name is Jane, as she went to visit Elliott, the man cloned to become the face of the Epsilon who has chosen the easier route of stasis to remain alive rather than face the real new world. Indra doesn’t seem happy that Mustafa isn’t playing by the rules, though I suspect that this isn’t the last we’ll see of Mustafa despite that fast-rushing water.

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