Friday, August 21, 2020

What I’m Watching: Little Voice (Season Finale)

Little Voice: Season 1, Episode 9 “Sing What I Can't Say” (B+)

It’s strange to have this show end its first season without any word on whether it will be back for another round, especially since Apple TV Plus has mostly been issuing quiet renewals and already this week announced that “Ted Lasso,” which just premiered, will return. This episode could be seen as a series finale in that Bess finally got to sing the title song and feel good about herself, and a few of the other characters also got to good places. The main message, which his hardly appropriate for coronavirus times, is to grab the person closest to you and just start making out with them, even if you’re about to go on stage to perform and a bar full of people is waiting for you. Ethan showing up halfway through the set was the ultimate representation of how he missed the boat, and Samuel is indeed a great romantic and musical partner for Bess, happy to give her space when she needs it and be there when she’s open to him doing that. Her mother was doing well with her children until she slapped Louie and revealed that this wasn’t the first time that happened, and their diner goodbye was definitive and emphatic in an important way, including for Louie, who forgave her but understood that they had to leave. She didn’t find her father but found herself, and in a second season, perhaps he’ll return and they’ll work on their relationship. Prisha coming out to her sister went horribly, but Ananya was more open to giving her a second chance, so that’s another storyline to be explored in the future. I’m not always sure exactly what to make of this show, but it’s been worthwhile and I’d certainly return for more.

Season grade: B+
Season MVP: Kevin Valdez as Louie

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