Friday, August 21, 2020

What I’m Watching: Ted Lasso

Ted Lasso: Season 1, Episode 4 “For the Children” (B+)

This was a great opportunity to see all our characters dressed up and interacting in a more formal environment, and that proved to be both entertaining and revealing. It’s good that Ted took a proactive approach to mending the rift between Roy and Jamie, not that it ended up working all that well. Roy, to his credit, made an effort, connecting the situation back to when he was the young player, but Jamie wasn’t too quick on the uptake and didn’t seem willing to take any responsibility. Showing up to the fundraiser without a shirt on and just a suit jacket was a bit much, and good for Keeley for realizing that she shouldn’t be with him when he didn’t have a clue that she was upset he was using her in a bidding war to help his publicity. I’ll reaffirm my suspicion that Keeley and Roy are going to get together, which is just going to make things much worse between them. Keeley and Rebecca’s budding friendship is nice to see, and it’s good that Rebecca is starting to really appreciate how Ted is always able to be chipper and helpful, even when she finds him to be excessive. Rupert really is a bad guy, and Ted bringing in the musician from the street was a fantastic way to ensure that the event was a success and to not let Rupert have something else to hold over Rebecca. Coach Beard’s virtual chess enthusiasm was too much for his date, and it was fun to see him in a different but equally competitive context. Nate was very endearing in this episode, wearing a suit that didn’t even come close to fitting him and then going in for a hug with Roy after talking way too close to him. It will be intriguing to see how Ted’s family visiting affects the way he’s been acclimating to everything.

I was thrilled to learn that Apple TV Plus renewed this show for a second season on Wednesday – I’m very happy that it will be back for more and have time to grow!

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