Sunday, February 21, 2021

What I’m Watching: Dickinson

Dickinson: Season 1, Episode 9 “I Like a Look of Agony” (B+)

I’m always most interested in the supporting players who never get the spotlight, especially on this show. Mrs. Dickinson being more than up for the challenge of hosting two tea parties at once was a great example of that, and she really did do superbly with Austin’s friends, anticipating their preferences and even serving them in a way that wasn’t overly disruptive. Edward was far less appreciative, but of course he’s never been great at noticing his wife and tuning in to what she needs. Austin seems more prepared to face reality, realizing during his college reunion that he should get his life on track with the imminent threat of war and the general dissatisfaction that he’s feeling. Emily broke the news to him about Sue and Samuel, something he apparently knew already, and I didn’t expect that Sue would have been out of town visiting Mary of all people. Mary was definitely aware that Samuel isn’t being loyal to her, but she doesn’t suspect that it’s her dear friend who came to see how she was doing that betrayed her. I am happy to see that Lavinia was able to assert herself and show Ship, who was more than ready to walk away from her since their relationship hasn’t been all that easy, that she knows what she wants and that all he needs to do is, unlike her own father, to pay attention to what she’s saying and asking for. I’m curious to see how the finale will play out and relieved that more is coming since season three was ordered way back in October before season two even premiered.

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