Sunday, February 21, 2021

What I’m Watching: WandaVision

WandaVision: Season 1, Episode 7 “Breaking the Fourth Wall” (B+)

There’s a lot to say about this episode. I appreciated the fact that it was a clear parody of “Modern Family,” a show that did last too long but really felt innovative, and more importantly, funny, when it first started. It made a lot of sense to have Wanda struggling to confront the reality of what was happening with vision in this fashion, also because she may not be totally in control of the sitcom world that she’s created and forced to behave in the way mandated by the accelerated timeline. I didn’t think that Vision would immediately come across Darcy, who in her hypnotized state was still full of sass and personality, and restore her memories right away only to not ask the right questions and instead end up with partial information before he decided to fly home all on his own. Having him realize that he shouldn’t be wasting time talking to the camera crew and Darcy’s frustration with the absurd impediments popping up to delay their return to town were entertaining and clever. Monica was bold in her determination to get back into Westview, and she managed to make it through thanks to some apparent superpower. The biggest reveal, of course, is that it’s been Agatha All Along, a great way to bring Kathryn Hahn into a more significant role and one that still leaves many questions unanswered about her true motivations and just how much she’s been controlling. Pietro seems to be under her spell, and Monica seems poised to learn a lot more along with Wanda and eager audiences.

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