Monday, April 26, 2021

Take Three: Rebel

Rebel: Season 1, Episode 3 “Superhero” (B)

It stands to reason that Rebel wouldn’t be able to win every case she tried, and that her actions might cause collateral damage for those who can’t devote all of their time to fighting the system. Jackie, who I didn’t realize was played by Katey Sagal’s real-life daughter Sarah Grace White, was not happy with the fact that standing up for what was right had gotten her evicted, and fortunately Rebel swooped in to help and caused enough of a nuisance for the landlord to get some positive change going. Cassidy found out almost right away that she was being manipulated to sabotage Cruz’s case, and she wasn’t nearly as mad at her father for telling her without looking up that he had gotten his client to agree to the potential conflict of interest before she was involved with the case as Amir was at her for stabbing Cruz in the back. Though Rebel got him very angry at her, Cruz did appear considerably more sympathetic after she revealed some personal information, but now it seems like he may be down for the count after an apparent heart attack, the latest twist in this very soapy show. I’m a big fan of Abigail Spencer’s line delivery as Misha, particularly her repeated explanation of how her 9am patient dying meant that she was now free, but for study talk and not sex since the relationship had to be carefully managed due to his not being nana-friendly. I can’t imagine that Sharon Lawrence’s Angela is going to do good things for what’s left of Grady and Rebel’s marriage, but there’s no turning back after he took his ring off to introduce himself to her.

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