Sunday, April 25, 2021

What I’m Watching: B Positive

B Positive: Season 1, Episode 15 “Miss Diagnosis” (B+)

I knew right away that I recognized Adriana but couldn’t figure out how, and that’s because actress Rosa Salazar has had her face altered by animation in her two most prominent roles, “Alita: Battle Angel” and the fantastic Amazon series “Undone.” It’s great to see Drew meet someone who might be compatible with him, and the fact that she had her own medical condition that she was reluctant to share didn’t come as all that much of a surprise. Drew using one of the inside jokes they had already created and showing up in a jester costume was cute, and I like that they’re going to give this a try even if both of them may not be sure of how or where their lives are going to lead. Samantha wasn’t much help in shielding Drew when he tried to hide between a glass door that he was going to fog with his own breath, but at least she was moderately encouraging of the relationship. Drew did seem extremely overconfident and obnoxious when he backtracked from Eli’s major news by reminding everyone that he had shared his own excitement just moments earlier, making Samantha’s point about him not being himself considerably more relatable. Eli revealed a softer, more serious side under that confident swagger that had him eagerly auditioning for an announcer job, and the only positive of it is that he’s opening up to Gina so that she might be able to help him put on a front for his friends while he works to get back to a better place of financial stability.

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