Monday, April 5, 2021

What I’m Watching: B Positive

B Positive: Season 1, Episode 12 “Canine Extraction” (B-)

Drew’s sudden infatuation with the dog that had made him miserable for quite some time felt like it came from out of nowhere, but I do understand that it was meant to be symbolic for how Drew felt about the loss of a relationship with his young, adoring daughter. It was entertaining to see how excited Drew when he told Gina about his planned dog-napping, and the genuine pleasure he felt when Gina acknowledged that she knew it was transference, a concept that he definitely didn’t think she would know. It did feel like Gina could probably have asked if she might be able to keep the dog or at least watch over it every once in a while. Samantha’s coldness followed by her turning into an instant sap when the dog came over and licked her was amusing, and she did her best to pretend that she might be interested in a doctor who wasn’t nearly as edgy as she had hoped. Gina getting caught between being the cool role model for Maddie and being a good friend to Drew led to an uncomfortable and short-lived situation, and Maddie definitely didn’t help matters by showing her disdain for the idea of hanging out with her father. It was sweet that she showed up with Gina at the end with Maddie in tow to recreate the important part of her annual memory, which was, of course, spending time with her father whether the ducks were present or not. This show’s endearing side is pretty charming and works well.

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