Tuesday, April 6, 2021

What I’m Watching: Law and Order: SVU

Law and Order: SVU: Season 22, Episode 9 “Return of the Prodigal Son” (B-)

This is actually the first full episode of this long-running series that I’ve ever watched and reviewed. My father-in-law can be found watching this show on endless repeat when he’s not doing other things, but I’ve never found the procedural particularly appealing. I did watch half a season of the original “Law and Order” back in 2008 during the writers’ strike, but otherwise that’s it for this franchise. My only reason for tuning in to this episode was that it serves as the first part of a crossover with the brand-new “Law and Order: Organized Crime,” which aired its pilot right after this. I had expected that the endlessly-promoted scene where Olivia breathlessly says “Elliot” to take place in the closing moments leading into the new show, but instead it happened right away, with a focus entirely on Stabler returning and mourning the injury and later death of his wife. I’m still not enthralled by the way this police show works and the minimal involvement of the heavily-accented DA, and I think I was waiting most for more clarification on Stabler’s new role and why he might have been a target. I recognized Matthew Rauch from his role on “Banshee” as the lawyer who showed up to get Sacha to stop talking right away, and I was surprised that he didn’t have a bigger part, though it appears he played the same lawyer a few seasons ago in another episode. I won’t be watching more of this show anytime soon, though I did find its spinoff to be a bit more intriguing. My next post will explain why!

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