Sunday, May 30, 2021

What I’m Watching: The Kominsky Method (Season Premiere)

The Kominsky Method: Season 3, Episode 1 “Chapter 17. In all the old familiar places” (B+)

I’m honestly quite surprised that this show is going to end up being the only Emmy nominee for Best Comedy Series from last year to return in time to be eligible again this season. It’s impressive that it was filmed and finished during the pandemic, returning more than a year and a half after the second season for its final run. I had heard months ago that Alan Arkin wouldn’t be coming back and thought that might mean this show would be scrapped entirely, but instead this was a heartfelt episode paying tribute to Norman and looking at what life is going to look like for Sandy going through it all on his own. Those brief snippets of Norman were fantastic reminders of Arkin’s unrivaled line delivery, and he will definitely be missed. I’m not sure his three-scene appearance here is substantial enough to merit Emmy attention, but he really was superb in this role. It’s not clear whether Phoebe or Robbie will continue to appear now that Norman is no longer alive, but I wouldn’t mind checking in with either of them on their rather wild and unhinged endeavors. Paul Reiser’s Martin has earned a major promotion to the role of Sandy’s potential new best friend, and Sandy seems to like him enough to tolerate him even if the nature of their relationship given that he’s dating his daughter is a bit peculiar. Sandy’s nighttime rendezvous with his housesitting neighbor was unexpected, but it all made much more sense when it turned out to be a freebie given by the prostitute as a thank you for finding her cousin’s dog. I’m looking forward to seeing what comes next over the course of this last season.

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