Monday, May 31, 2021

What I’m Watching: The Kominsky Method

The Kominsky Method: Season 3, Episode 2 “Chapter 18. You only give me your funny paper” (B+)

This show has twice been nominated for a SAG Award for Best Ensemble in a Comedy Series, which is a bit strange given that it’s a mostly two-man show with a supporting cast that doesn’t always have that much to do. That said, to me the most underappreciated member of the ensemble is Sarah Baker, who plays Mindy and makes her more than just an eye-rolling daughter who scoffs at the belligerence of her stubborn father. This episode showcased that as her mother came to visit and she called Martin out on doing with her the same thing he always does with her father, to go on about the glory days that are long gone that she couldn’t possibly have experienced given how much younger she is. The complexity of dealing with money in relationships is an interesting theme to explore, and I suppose it says something about Sandy that, even though he gets along swimmingly with Martin, deep down maybe he’s not sure that he’s the right for his daughter. Sandy isn’t always in touch with what’s going on in the moment, like the fact that one of his students landed a gig and shouldn’t have told the rest of the class about it since they now resent her instead of expressing happiness for her success. Though he had his ex-wife labeled as “Queen of Pain” in his phone, it doesn’t seem like she’s out to get him, but it should be fun to see Kathleen Turner and Michael Douglas share more scenes together if she sticks around for a bit.

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