Saturday, January 15, 2022

What I’m Watching: Search Party

Search Party: Season 5, Episode 7 “Book of the Wars of the Lord” (B+)

This episode took an even darker turn with Dory taking control of the situation and then showing that she really wasn’t with it after taking hostages and commissioning lethal weapons that her disciples could aim at them and the police. Walking out calmly with Tunnel was a clever way to get him to leave first so that she could lock him out, and his downfall was quite drastic and quick. Initially, he didn’t seem at all threatened by a board meeting being convened without him, and only a short time later, he was resigning his position, in part likely to be free of the scandal that was sure to ensue. The hostage antics, especially with the videographer, were somewhat entertaining, and, though they were eventually freed, things didn’t work out too well for them. Portia and Elliott were both so self-obsessed that they couldn’t think of anything other than Dory being attracted to them, and Elliott in particular was offended that no one had thought to include him in their polyamory. I enjoyed Marc’s appearance, brought there by the no-nonsense hostage negotiator to talk Elliott down but who instead encouraged him to take all the time he needed to make the pill. It does seem that those enlightenment jelly beans made with gas may have combusted, though I can’t imagine that our three main characters actually died on the bus. We only see a brief glimmer of Chantal and Liquorice, but that relationship is just as unhealthy and peculiar as what Dory is doing.

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