Saturday, January 15, 2022

What I’m Watching: Search Party

Search Party: Season 5, Episode 6 “The Gospel of Judas” (B+)

This show manages to attract top-tier talent, and I’m not sure if we’ll even see more of the group played by Lou Diamond Phillips, Illeana Douglas, Michael Ian Black, and Scott Adsit, but what a spectacular list of actors! There are obviously a few cults that exist in this show’s universe, and it’s not just Dory’s colored disciples who are fervently tied to a particular cause. The discovery that Dory was being poisoned was a disturbing one, especially when it turned out to be Portia who had the vial in her possession, though her reaction indicated that she wasn’t actually responsible. All that seemed to be forgotten when Dr. Benny leapt out of the window following her unfortunate run-in with the mutant rat, suggesting that there is something seriously wrong with whatever Tunnel is cooking up. His mind was elsewhere when he was on the phone trying to get hired affirmation, and Dr. Benny landing on his car severely disrupted any sense of calm he might have achieved. Elliott is also likely to be very disturbed given the lengths he had to go to in order to get Dr. Benny to give him what he needed, though he’s never been terribly good at acknowledging reality or processing anything he’s been through in his life. He did commit, but Drew also was unusually productive, seeking out answers and then forcing the people he met to finally give him a last name after they kept telling their very long and detailed story.

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