Tuesday, November 13, 2007

What I'm Watching: Prison Break (Fall Finale)

Prison Break: Season 3, Episode 8 "Bang & Burn" (F)

What kind of guards are these who come in one minute and shoot an innocent man dead and then reward a guilty one with a transfer out of Sona? It is so completely frustrating that Michael was kept in Sona for so long and just when he gets Lechero on board, he gets sprung. Whistler and the Company's escape attempt is so blatant and horribly obvious and unrealistic. Whistler clearly knows nothing about subtlety if he climbs up on a roof and leaves himself exposed instead of waiting until the helicopters are closer. Susan B. Anthony, or whatever her name is, needs to get killed right now. Mahone also needs to be written out of the script. No one cares anymore. I like the semi-alliance which Whistler's girlfriend, Lincoln, and Sucre have formed but it is all moot now that Lincoln is out of Sona and away from Whitsler. "Prison Break" just keeps starting at new prisons - how impressive can Michael be and just how big a prison can he break out of?

"Prison Break" is slated for a return in January, but who knows how the strike will affect things.

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