Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Writers' Strike Goes On

Update: "24" has been indefinitely postponed because FOX wants to air another "non-stop season". I read this first from The Futon Critic, another fantastic source for news about the strike.

I have been trying to follow the writers' strike in terms of how it will affect primetime television. The most immediate impact has been the shutting down of production of comedies like "Desperate Housewives", "Two and a Half Men", "Back to You", and "Til Death". A fantastic reference site which outlines show-by-show how many episodes each one should have completed can be found here. I recommend checking it out. From the looks of it, it looks like this could be great news for two shows whose returns I have been anxiously awaiting. The final season of "The Shield" has been written, but there is no airdate yet. Hopefully FX will decide to air that sooner than later. Additionally, it appears that "Jericho" has finished filming its seven episodes, which CBS should air now and then give viewers time to respond and call for more episodes. More news as it comes, but the best resource to check all the time is probably Goldderby Forums. People just post news there, so look for fast updates and breaking news.

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