Monday, January 9, 2012

What I’m Watching: Chuck

Chuck: Season 5, Episode 9 “Chuck Versus the Kept Man” (B+)

This episode was admittedly a little silly, but I enjoyed it, especially for its focus on Casey, who didn’t know what to do with all of the affection that Gertrude was throwing at him. The gift of the cashmere sweater was amusing, and so was his reaction to the improper dining etiquette showcased in “Downton Abbey” when he was watching it with Alex. Sarah telling Casey that she’s never complained about putting on outfits for clients, throwing in one personal example by mistake, was probably the best scene of all. Chuck and Sarah both spiraling about having kids was a fantastic subplot, and I like how they’re coming closer and closer to realizing that they need to settle down and have a family. Casey and Gertrude managed to leave things in a good note, and Casey calling her his girlfriend to Alex was sweet. Jeff’s realization that Chuck, Sarah, and Casey must be spies led to an entertaining subplot which allowed Awesome to pretend to be a spy so that Morgan could have a good laugh. The revelation of Awesome’s secret workout lair was clever, but not as superb as the episode’s surprise ending. The newly coherent Lester still had some good wacky wisdom left in him, explaining that it’s not always easy to trick a mental patient. The discovery of Castle by the two least productive Buy More employees is certainly a major event in this show’s history, and something that had to happen eventually, and I can only hope that it ends well.

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