Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Pilot Review: Allen Gregory

Allen Gregory (FOX)
Premiered October 30 at 8:30pm

I’ve never been a fan of FOX animation, shying away from the likes of “The Simpsons” and “Family Guy” and avoiding all episodes of “The Cleveland Show” after the pilot. Yet I still think I can sense a noticeable difference between those critically-acclaimed series and this sorry excuse for a show. I’ve always liked Jonah Hill since “Knocked Up” and “Superbad,” and it’s sad for me to see him in this context since I know that he’s very involved on the creative side of this project. There’s absolutely nothing funny about this off-putting show, which inexplicably centers upon an unbelievably precocious seven-year-old beginning what is sure to be a memorable stint at elementary school. What ensues from this premise is a series of preposterous and entirely random occurrences, such as Allen Gregory taking out a bottle of wine at lunch and pining for the extremely unattractive sexagenarian principal. The aim is clear – to paint Allen Gregory as mature beyond his years to the point of impossible naivety, but its execution is a monumental failure. Allen Gregory is not a compelling protagonist, serving only to annoy and aggravate. His treatment of his father’s boyfriend Jeremy and his adopted sister Julie is deplorable and cringe-worthy rather than amusing, as it’s supposed to be. The show couldn’t possibly be taken seriously were it not animated due to the ridiculousness of its contents, but it doesn’t use the form to enhance its story in any way. This show is a tasteless waste of time, and the pilot doesn’t offer anything in terms of redeeming value.

How will it work as a series? Allen Gregory is not going to have an easy time at school, and what he’s experienced thus far is barely scratching the surface. While I don’t understand how that would be compelling to watch, this show may appeal to those who don’t mind detesting their main characters and are happy to see Allen Gregory have a miserable time making a fool of himself and being extensively pretentious for no reason.
How long will it last? The ratings weren’t superb, less impressive than last year’s start for “The Cleveland Show” in the same time slot. What’s far more lamentable are the reviews, which make me think that, unlike the rest of FOX’s Sunday night lineup, no one is going to be clamoring to keep this one around for long. I see no reason for FOX to ditch it right away, but I don’t think it will make it through the season.

Pilot grade: F

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