Tuesday, November 1, 2011

What I’m Watching: Dexter

Dexter: Season 6, Episode 5 “The Angel of Death” (B+)

The search for Professor James Gellar is intensifying as his face gets plastered on the front of the newspaper and Quinn and Batista head to Tallahassee to interview one of his former teaching assistants. Edward James Olmos delivers such a calm, stoic performance as Gellar, brilliant particularly in his almost nonexistent reaction to having to go underground since he might be recognized. Travis’ solo kidnapping skills need work, but what also needs some fine-tuning is his belief in the cause, since he hasn’t yet heard the call. Dexter’s decision to let him go is a fascinating and surprising one, and I do hope that Dexter has a chance to mentor this misguided killer-in-training before Gellar learns what’s happening. Gellar’s reminder about Jonah fleeing from God is rather haunting. Batista’s discovery on the morning after Quinn’s big night is a major get, and hopefully someone other than Dexter will be able to predict what’s coming next. Mike is continuing not to make any friends by chatting up Dexter about his knucklehead coworkers without realizing that Dexter is Deb’s brother. Josh Cooke seems like a great replacement for Ryan as Masuka’s new intern Louis, though I’ll admit it’s somewhat jarring to see him in a dramatic context after his very funny role on “Better With You” last year. Dexter hanging out with Sam was a fun change of pace, reminiscent of Miguel before he turned evil, and it’s sad that the one person who might actually be able to show Dexter the light has just had his life ended prematurely. Something tells me Dexter is going to seek vengeance on his killer.

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