Wednesday, December 14, 2011

What I’m Watching: The Good Wife

The Good Wife: Season 3, Episode 11 “What Went Wrong” (B+)

I’m truly impressed by this show’s ability to multitask, making Alicia’s life especially interesting for multiple reasons and embellishing some of its supporting characters as well. I liked Kurt Fuller’s judge, who seemed convinced that the defense should have won but needed something concrete in order to invalidate the winning verdict. Getting a mistrial declared because he accepted the button blogger’s Facebook friend request was an intriguing resolution, and I have to commend him for handling Wendy’s aggressive visit well, refusing to admit any guilt and even accusing her of attempted bribery. Finding out that Wendy is planning to go after Peter is quite appalling, even to Will, but it’s true that he’s a rather corrupt politician who, kind as he is, still isn’t above using old tricks. His initial meeting with Alicia and the headmistress showed that they’re actually a productive team, and then when he got an answer he didn’t like, he jumped right to telling her that he’s the state attorney and she doesn’t say no to him. Kalinda’s involvement in the case got to a whole new level thanks to her ever-growing rivalry with Dana and Cary, to the point where she got arrested for harassment of the jurors. Alicia did a marvelous job telling Cary that she wasn’t going to stand for his transferring her around, and I’m glad that Kalinda’s involvement in saving Grace will hopefully get them back to a positive place in their relationship. I’m intrigued to see whether Alicia stays on the partner track Diane has recommended for her, and definitely eager to see their relationship blossom.

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